[#21cbrand] “What is a 21st Century Brand?” por Eduardo Lorenzi, VP de Estratégia da Publicis


Da série #21cbrand que discute as marcas no século 21.

Abaixo, a participação de Eduardo Lorenzi, VP de Estratégia da Publicis — do original em inglês.

“I believe 21st-century brands are a new species that we must learn to take care of. We need to learn what it likes to eat and drink to grow. But one thing is certain: it needs oxygen.

Today, we are under a big and constant transformation of marketing and communication, mainly because of the growth of digital technology and the democratisation of access to digital. We see whole industries being disrupted by new solutions that are much smarter and absurdly cheaper. We see new human behaviour and fast adoption of new ways to live in almost every part of our lives.

We also see the rise of data as the new king. In this context, a 21st-century brand behaves quite differently from its parents. It exists in new fields, it worries about different issues, it moves faster and follows no rules. In a time when all communication will have to deliver performance, creativity is oxygen and it will be more and more relevant and needed.

However, the more we advance in all this, creativity will be the difference that makes a brand stand out in a world where technology is there for everyone, for every business and every market. Despite the practical differences in terms of media and content, creativity is what will make 21st-century brands breathe and survive.”

Veja todos os textos da série AQUI.