[#21cbrand] “What is a 21st Century Brand?” por Fernando Diniz, CSO da DPZ&T

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Da série #21cbrand que discute as marcas no século 21.

Abaixo, a participação de Fernando Diniz, CSO da DPZ&T — do original em inglês.

“I believe we are going through a frustration-marketing era. A time when brands take positions, present their deep and inspiring views about life, but frustrate consumers as much as create expectations. In several countries consumers expect to go through a change in axis: the desire for more income and power gives place to the search for well-being. And the well-being concept is not only connected to a set of public policies.

It is also about an increase of market services: more entertainment, more sports, more education, more health and more culture. And so you find an amazing place for brands to act, going deeper in their relationship with people. Therefore, I believe brands should act more as transforming agents in the 21st century than just positioning themselves as attractive icons.

They need to accept the challenge of impacting positively their consumers’ lives, generating something useful or instructive to entertain them. In the 70s, the economist Milton Friedman, Nobel winner, stated that the only social responsibility of a company was to use their resources in order to increase profit, as long as playing according to the rules of the game.

Currently there are some different thoughts to consider. David B. Wolfe, Rajendra S. Sisodia and Jagdish N. Sheth, professors and contributors for respected issues such as Harvard Business Review believe companies should shape their cultures based on the idea they exist to help people live their lives in higher levels of well-being and satisfaction. Considering this view, I see advertising agencies didn’t follow the changes. We still act in the desire field, letting behind the real needs of people. We need to work so these promises become a real part of their lives.

That shall empower brands and, as a consequence, improve their product and service competitiveness.”

Veja todos os textos da série AQUI.